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The Story of Understar Productions
When I was nine years old, I discovered that my lifelong dream to become an astronaut was impossible--I was too short and had poor vision (this was before laser eye surgery was around). this was when I decided that I was going to be a writer and I haven't stopped since.

Understar Productions came about when I realized that I was not committing to any one particular form of writing or of artistic expression, but I did know that I was going to be producing art for the rest of my life and I wanted to have one name to create it under, hence Understar Productions.

The fabricated word understar means that I do all my work under stars, influenced by the universe in all its forms. I never want to forget my place in the world and the greater universe, which serves to keep me humble.

Understar Productions Today
Now I want to continue my forays into various art forms as well as offer commercial services such as photography, web design and print media services. I also dream of putting together various artists and working together to create even more work.

So check it all out. Whether you're just curious, a fellow artist or looking for services, I have something for everyone.



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